class for default
Pickadate Picker.
class to
change/hide buttons.
class to
choose select year.
class for
short string with Month & Week.
class to
change first weekday to Monday.
class to
choose date in specific range date.
class to
change date formats.
class for
language translation.
class to
change date formats.
class to
disable arbitary dates.
class to
disable days of the week.
class to set
month & year selectors.
class for
minimum and maximum date range.
to set select to month and year from the drodown.
class to check
events in the console.
class to change Native
calendar of Disable picker.
class for Default
PickaDate Picker.
class to
hide clear button from calendar.
class for
maximum starting time and minimum ending time.
class to change
time and date display formats.
class to
display time label format.
class to
display time format.
for disable set
of time.
class to
display time in Intervals.
class and using
objects as a range of times
class and
using integers as hours (0 to 23)
and use for When a time is selected or the "clear" button
is pressed, the picker closes.
and to
verify open console.